
Getting to know Clare

Hello World! I guess I’ll start by cutting to the basics..I’m a 25-year-old girl with an never-ending passion for exploring this incredible world we all get to call home. At age 21, I took my first adventure abroad to work for a travel magazine in Prague, Czech Republic. Hopping from country to country in Europe, I found myself falling in love. Not just with the beauty or the architecture, but the history that made these unfamiliar cultures and places so very special in each of their own ways. The bittersweet feeling of falling in love over and over again and then having to say goodbye, yet holding each of these places in my heart to this day, ended up shaping me into the person I am today.

Two years ago, I decided that the standard white-collar plan I was raised to follow would have to be put on hold. While just having graduated from the University of Central Florida, (Go Knights!) with an advertising and public relations degree I had worked so hard for, I still simply couldn’t ignore the burning desire in my heart for the one thing I could not get out of my head; to see the rest of the world. So I chose a path of fulfillment.

About a week before my graduation from UCF, I sent in an application to American Airlines for a ‘Trainee Flight Attendant” position. Two months later, I was invited to fly over to Dallas, Texas for a interview, and was offered a job. Today, as a South Florida based flight attendant I find myself living a lifestyle I never truly could have imagined before, but in this moment, I know it is the life for me.

My initiative is to inspire anyone who comes across this page to explore each new travel destination they take on with curiosity and hunger, in search of of the new eyes that each new travel adventure shall bring you. I want you all the see beyond the shallow depths and critics that say travel is just a means of instant gratification, or an escape from life.

For me, it is never an escape. Those who know me well describe me as a nomad, a free-spirit of sorts. No matter where I go, it’s always easy to see the beauty that goes hand in hand with the presence of a new place and find a sense of belonging in even the most unfamiliar of cultures.

I made a promise to myself that I would not leave this earth with any stone unturned (or any country unvisited) leaving every place I encounter better than I found it and inspiring others to do the same. I implore you all to follow me on this journey, or even better, to use what I have to share with you all about each of these wonderful places to create your own. I lead this blog with the intention that each of your journeys will prove to be just as fulfilling for you as they have been for me.

Nice to meet you all, I’m Clare.

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